Roasted Mutton & Char Grilled Veg

This is one of Dan’s favourites and deservedly so as it’s a divine meal for those who love lamb: Seasoned roast mutton on a bed of thyme, char grilled summer vegetables and a Tuscan salsa verde. Dan’s easy, but essential, tips will ensure cooking pitfalls are dodged and all is perfect as you grill, roast and enjoy this summer feast.


Roast Mutton Rested in Hay Ingredients:

• 1 boned out lef of mutton, cut into chunks

• 1 shopping bag full of fresh clean hay (If you don’t have hay, sprigs of thyme will do the trick)

• 2 T. (30 ml.) of Canola oil

• Salt, enough to properly season your cut of mutton

Char Grilled Vegetables ingredients:

*Selection of vegetables for grilling might include zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, asparagus, endives.

• ½ cup (125 ml.) of olive oil

• 1 tsp. (5 g.) of fennel seed

• 2 tsps. (10 g.) of sea salt

• Leaves from 1 sprig of rosemary

Salsa Verde Ingredients:

• 1 bunch of flat leaf parsley (Italian parsley)

• 1 bunch of mint

• ½ cup (125 g.) of capers, well rinsed

• 2 T. (30 g.) Dijon mustard

• 6 anchovy fillets

• 2 cups (500 ml.) of olive oil

• Juice of one lemon

• Salt and pepper to taste


Roasting Mutton:

• Preheat the oven to 425° F. (220° C.) and pre-heat a frying pan on high.

• Season the mutton with salt, pour your Canola oil into the frying pan and sear the meat on all sides, fat side down first. This will probably take about 10 minutes or less.

• If you have an oven friendly frying pan you can keep the mutton in there or place it in a roasting pan and roast for 25 minute.

• Remove from the oven and cover the roast with hay or thyme. Cover the hay with a damp clean cloth and allow to rest for an additional 10-20 minutes.

Char Grilling Vegetables:

*note – this will be a smoky operation – you may want to open windows or doors if cooking inside.

• Pre-heat your char gilling pan, frying pan or BBQ on high.

• Strip the rosemary leaves from the sprig.  Place them in a large bowl with the olive oil, fennel seeds and salt.  Using your finger tips, crush the leaves into the oil and mix everything together until very well blended.

• Toss the vegetables (i.e. sliced zucchini and eggplant, trim asparagus, half endives. If you are using zucchini, cut it on a bias for a greater grilling surface) in the oil mixture until vegetables are well coated.

• Working in batches, place the vegetables in a single layer and cook until slightly charred. Be careful to not overcrowd the pan. Flip over and do the same on the other side. The second side will take less time than the first. When it comes to char grilling the asparagus, try to get them all facing the same way. Once you have them lined up place a small pot or something to add some weight to the asparagus.

• If the cooking surface become to dirty, wipe it carefully with a thick large wet cloth.

• If you are doing other things while the vegetables are

Preparing Salsa Verde:

• Cut the mint and parsley leaves together. They don’t need to be super fine, but small enough for a sauce. Take your capers and cut through them and add them to the herbs. With the anchovies, cut them down then use the edge of your knife to break them down even more. Add the Dijon mustard and lemon juice to the pile. Run your knife through the pile a few more times to help mix things up.

• Alternatively, pulse in a food processor for approximately 30 secoonds. if you use this method, do not over-process or you will have a paste-like consistency, instead of it being finely chopped.

• Place your beginnings of the salsa verde in a bowl place and pour in the olive oil. Go slowly with this as 2 cups (500 ml) might eb too much or too little depending on the sizes of your herb bunches and anchovies. Add addition olive oil if needed to form a dressing consistency.

• Use immediately for freshest colour and flavour, or store for up to 5 days covered in the fridge for a more subtle depth of flavour.


• Lay out the vegetables on a large platter, overlapping slightly. Slice the meat thinly and lay out on top of the vegetable. Dress with salsa verde, while keeping some in reserve for people that may want a little more with their meal.

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